States of Consciousness

Scientists Are Finally Taking Altered States Of Consciousness Seriously

For centuries, altered states of consciousness (ASCs) have fascinated humanity. These states, which range from the mystical experiences of shamans and monks to the drug-induced visions of psychonauts, have often been relegated to the fringes of scientific inquiry. However, in recent years, scientists have begun to take ASCs more seriously, recognizing their potential to unlock profound insights into the human mind, treat various mental health conditions, and deepen our understanding of consciousness itself.

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The Mystery of Consciousness Is Deeper Than We Thought

Consciousness remains one of the most profound and elusive phenomena in both science and philosophy. It is the essence of our experiences, the substrate of our thoughts, and the foundation of our self-awareness. Despite significant advances in neuroscience, psychology, and related fields, the true nature of consciousness eludes our grasp, prompting many to conclude that its mystery is deeper than we ever imagined.

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