Exploring Séances: History, Practices & How to Conduct One


Séances have long been a subject of fascination and mystery, often depicted in literature and media as gatherings where the living communicate with the spirits of the dead.


These sessions are rooted in a rich history of spiritualism and offer a unique glimpse into the supernatural. In this article, we'll delve into what a séance is, its historical background, what typically happens during a séance, and how you can conduct one yourself.

What is a Séance?

A séance is a meeting where people attempt to communicate with spirits, often through the guidance of a medium. The word "séance" comes from the French word for "session" or "sitting," reflecting the act of gathering together for a specific purpose. Participants seek to contact deceased loved ones or other spirits to gain insight, messages, or comfort.

Historical Background

The modern concept of séances gained popularity in the 19th century, particularly during the Spiritualist movement, which began in the 1840s. This movement was characterized by a belief in the possibility of communicating with the dead.


The Fox sisters, Leah, Margaret, and Kate, are often credited with sparking the movement in 1848 when they claimed to communicate with a spirit through mysterious knocking sounds in their home in New York.


As the movement grew, séances became a common practice in both private homes and public demonstrations. Prominent figures, such as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Sir William Crookes, supported spiritualism, further legitimizing séances in the eyes of the public. However, the practice also attracted skeptics and debunkers, leading to a complex and often controversial history.

What Happens During a Séance?

A typical séance involves a group of people, often seated around a table in a dimly lit room to create a conducive atmosphere for spiritual communication.


Here are some common elements of a séance:

1.) The Medium: A medium, or spirit channeler, usually leads the séance. They are believed to have heightened sensitivity to spiritual energies and act as a bridge between the living and the dead.


2.) Opening Rituals: The séance often begins with a prayer, meditation, or invocation to invite protective spirits and set the intention for the session.


3.) Communication Methods:

  • Table-Tilt: Spirit officiants place their hands on a table, which is believed to move in response to spiritual contact.
  • Automatic Writing: The medium or participants may write messages dictated by spirits.
  • Spirit Boards: Ouija boards or similar devices are used to spell out messages.
  • Direct Voice Communication: The medium may speak in the voice of the spirit or allow the spirit to speak directly through them.


4.) Signs of Contact: Common signs that spirits are present include temperature changes, flickering lights, and unexplained sounds.


5.) Closing Rituals: The séance concludes with a closing prayer or statement to thank the spirits and ensure they return to their realm, preventing them from lingering.

How to Conduct a Séance

If you're interested in conducting a séance, it's essential to approach it with respect and caution.


Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1.) Preparation:

  • Choose a quiet, comfortable space free from distractions.
  • Gather necessary tools such as candles, a table, a spirit board, and a notebook for automatic writing.
  • Decide on the participants, ideally keeping the group small to maintain focus.


2.) Set The Mood:

  • Dim the lights and light candles to create a serene, inviting atmosphere.
  • Arrange the seating in a circle or around a table to encourage unity and energy flow.


3.) Begin With An Opening Ritual:

  • Start with a prayer, meditation, or invocation to set your intentions and invite protective spirits.


4.) Engage in Communication Methods:

  • Use methods such as table tilting, spirit boards, or automatic writing to attempt contact with spirits.
  • Be patient and open to subtle signs of spirit presence.


5.) Respectful Interaction:

  • Treat any spiritual communication with respect and kindness.
  • Ask clear, respectful questions and allow time for responses.


6.) Closing the Séance:

  • End the séance with a closing prayer or statement, thanking the spirits and ensuring they return to their realm.
  • Safely extinguish candles and tidy up the space.


Safety & Ethical Advisement For Conducting a Séance

Séances, while often viewed as a way to communicate with spirits, can be emotionally and spiritually sensitive experiences. Whether or not you believe in the paranormal, it's important to prioritize safety and ethical considerations if you choose to participate in a séance.


Safety Guidelines

Emotional & Mental Wellbeing:

  • Self-reflection: Before participating, honestly assess your emotional and mental state. Séances can evoke strong emotions, so ensure you're in a stable place to handle potential experiences.
  • Set boundaries: Decide beforehand what you're comfortable with. Clearly define your limits for contact, communication, and the types of spirits you're willing to interact with.
  • Have support: Don't go alone. Participate with trusted friends or family who can offer support and a sense of security. If possible, involve someone experienced with séances.
  • Emergency plan: Have a plan in place in case anyone experiences distress or overwhelming emotions during the séance. This might include a safe word to signal an end to the session.


Physical Safety:

  • Environment: Choose a quiet, safe, and comfortable space for your séance. Avoid locations known for negative energy or potential hazards.
  • Protection: Some people believe protective measures can be helpful. You might consider using salt circles, crystals, or spiritual symbols if they provide comfort or a sense of security.
  • Fire safety: If using candles, place them securely and ensure they won't be knocked over. Never leave open flames unattended.




Respect For The Deceased:

  • Intention: Approach the séance with respect and reverence for the spirits you hope to contact. Avoid treating the session as entertainment or a game.
  • Permission: Ask for permission before attempting to communicate with specific spirits. Honor their wishes if they decline to participate.
  • Boundaries: Set boundaries for yourself and the spirits. Don't allow yourself or others to be manipulated or frightened.


Honesty &IntegritY:

  • No coercion: Never pressure anyone to participate or continue if they feel uncomfortable.
  • Truthfulness: Be honest about your experiences and avoid embellishing or exaggerating for dramatic effect.
  • Open-mindedness: Be open to the possibility that your experiences might have rational explanations or be influenced by subconscious thoughts.


Additional Considerations

  • Research: Learn about different séance techniques and choose a method that resonates with you and your group.
  • Skepticism: Approach the experience with a healthy dose of skepticism. Not all phenomena have paranormal explanations.
  • Professional guidance: If you have concerns, consider seeking guidance from a spiritual advisor, therapist, or someone experienced in paranormal investigations.


Remember: Séances can be powerful experiences, but they're not for everyone. Prioritize your safety, well-being, and ethical considerations above all else. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, don't hesitate to end the session.



Séances, with their roots traced back to ancient civilizations, offer a captivating glimpse into the enigmatic realm of spiritual communication. These gatherings, steeped in history and shrouded in mystery, have long been a source of fascination and intrigue for those seeking to connect with the unseen world.


Whether approached with curious skepticism or a fervent belief in the afterlife, séances demand respect, reverence, and an open mind. Delving into the rich tapestry of séance history reveals a diverse range of traditions and practices, each shaped by cultural beliefs and spiritual perspectives.


From the spiritualist movement of the 19th century, which popularized table-turning and spirit communication through mediums, to the modern-day practices incorporating elements of various religions and spiritual paths, séances have evolved while retaining their core essence: the quest to bridge the gap between the living and the departed.


To embark on this mystical journey, it is essential to understand the fundamental principles of conducting a séance. Creating a safe and sacred space, establishing clear intentions, and fostering an atmosphere of respect are paramount.


Whether employing traditional tools such as Ouija boards and spirit boards or relying on intuitive communication methods like automatic writing or trance channeling, the key is to approach the séance with an open heart and a willingness to explore the unknown. While the allure of contacting spirits may be tempting, it is crucial to prioritize safety and well-being.


Setting boundaries, having a trusted group of participants, and being mindful of potential emotional or psychological sensitivities are all essential aspects of responsible séance practice. By embracing a cautious yet open-minded approach, you can navigate this mystical terrain with reverence, respect, and a genuine desire for connection.


Resources To Further Educate Yourself About Séances:

  1. Books:
  • The History of Spiritualism by Arthur Conan Doyle: This classic work explores the rise of Spiritualism and its impact on Victorian society.
  • Talking to the Dead by James Van Praagh: This book offers a modern perspective on mediumship and communication with the deceased.
  • The Art of Séance by Raven Digitalis: This guide provides practical instructions for conducting séances and communicating with spirits.
  1. Documentaries:
  • Surviving Death (Netflix): This documentary series explores various aspects of life after death, including mediumship and séances.
  • I am a Ghost: This independent film offers a unique and haunting perspective on the afterlife through the eyes of a spirit.
  1. Online Courses and Workshops:
  • The Austin Séance: This organization offers online courses and workshops on various aspects of Spiritualism, including séance history, techniques, and ethics.
  • The College of Psychic Studies: This London-based institution offers online courses and workshops on mediumship, psychic development, and Spiritualism.
  1. Websites and Blogs:
  • The Parapsychological Association: This organization dedicated to the scientific study of psychic phenomena offers resources and research on various topics, including séances.
  • Haunted Journeys Ghost Tours: This website offers historical and cultural perspectives on ghost stories and paranormal phenomena, including séances.
  1. Museums and Historical Sites:
  • Lily Dale Assembly: This Spiritualist community in upstate New York offers tours, workshops, and lectures on Spiritualism and mediumship.
  • The Arthur Conan Doyle Collection: This collection at the Portsmouth City Museum in the UK houses artifacts and documents related to Arthur Conan Doyle's interest in Spiritualism.