Tarot: A Journey Into The World of Symbolism & Self-Discovery


Tarot is a fascinating and ancient practice that involves the use of a deck of cards for divination, self-reflection, and spiritual guidance. With roots tracing back to the 15th century, tarot has evolved from a simple card game into a profound tool for personal insight and growth.


Each card in a tarot deck is rich with symbolism and imagery, designed to tap into the deeper aspects of the human psyche and the collective unconscious. Whether you are seeking answers to specific questions, exploring your inner landscape, or simply curious about the mysteries of life, tarot offers a unique and powerful way to connect with your intuition and the world around you.


The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive introduction to tarot, covering its history, structure, and significance. We aim to demystify the tarot, making it accessible and understandable for both beginners and those looking to deepen their knowledge.


By exploring the origins, components, and uses of tarot, we hope to illuminate its value as a tool for self-discovery and personal development. This article will serve as a guide to help you navigate the world of tarot with confidence and clarity, whether you are a novice or a seasoned practitioner.

What  Is Tarot?

Definition & Basic Concept

Tarot is a set of cards that has been used for centuries for divination, self-reflection, and spiritual insight. A typical tarot deck consists of 78 cards, each featuring distinct imagery and symbolism. The practice of tarot reading involves drawing cards from the deck and interpreting their meanings to gain insight into various aspects of life, including personal growth, relationships, career, and more. While tarot is often associated with fortune-telling, many practitioners view it as a tool for introspection and personal development rather than a means of predicting the future.


Components of a Tarot Deck

A standard tarot deck is divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.


Major Arcana

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each representing significant life events, spiritual lessons, and archetypal themes. These cards are often seen as the core of the tarot deck, providing deep insights into the querent's (the person receiving the reading) life journey. Each card in the Major Arcana has a unique title and imagery, with well-known examples including:

1. The Fool
2. The Magician
3. The High Priestess
4. The Empress
5. The Emperor
6. The Hierophant
7. The Lovers
8. The Chariot
9. Strength
10. The Hermit
11. Wheel of Fortune
12. Justice
13. The Hanged Man
14. Death
15. Temperance
16. The Devil
17. The Tower
18. The Star
19. The Moon
20. The Sun
21. Judgment
22. The World


These cards are typically numbered from 0 (The Fool) to 21 (The World) and are believed to represent the Fool's Journey, a symbolic path of growth and enlightenment.


Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits: Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands. Each suit contains 14 cards: ten numbered cards (Ace through Ten) and four Court Cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King). The Minor Arcana cards deal with everyday events and experiences, providing a more detailed perspective on the querent's life.

  • Cups: Associated with emotions, relationships, and intuition. The suit of Cups represents the element of water.
  • Pentacles: Linked to material aspects, such as finances, work, and physical health. Pentacles correspond to the element of earth.
  • Swords: Connected to intellect, thoughts, and conflict. The suit of Swords represents the element of air.
  • Wands: Related to creativity, passion, and action. Wands are associated with the element of fire.


Common Themes & Symbols

Tarot cards are rich with symbolism, which is integral to their interpretation.


Some common themes and symbols found in tarot include:

  • Elements: As mentioned, each suit in the Minor Arcana corresponds to one of the four classical elements (water, earth, air, and fire), which are also symbolized in various Major Arcana cards.
  • Colors: Colors on the cards often have symbolic meanings. For example, red might represent passion or action, while blue might signify calmness or intuition.
  • Numbers: Numerology plays a significant role in tarot, with each number having its own symbolic significance. For instance, the number one often represents new beginnings, while the number ten signifies completion and fulfillment.
  • Animals: Animals appear frequently in tarot imagery, each with its own symbolic meaning. For example, the lion in the Strength card symbolizes courage and inner strength, while the dog in The Fool card represents loyalty and protection.
  • Celestial Bodies: The sun, moon, and stars are common symbols in tarot, representing various aspects of the human experience. The moon often symbolizes intuition and the subconscious, while the sun represents clarity and vitality.


Understanding these components and symbols is essential for interpreting tarot cards and unlocking the wisdom they offer. Each card's imagery and meaning can provide profound insights into the querent's life, making tarot a powerful tool for guidance and self-discovery.

The History of Tarot

Origins in the 15th Century

The origins of tarot can be traced back to the 15th century in Europe, particularly in Italy. The earliest known tarot cards were created for the aristocracy and were primarily used for playing a game called "tarocchi."


These early decks, such as the Visconti-Sforza deck, were hand-painted and often featured elaborate designs and imagery. Unlike the modern tarot decks, which consist of 78 cards, these early versions varied in the number of cards and suits.


Tarot's connection to cartomancy, or fortune-telling, didn't emerge until several centuries later. Initially, the tarot was purely recreational, serving as a game rather than a tool for divination.


Evolution Over the Centuries

During the 18th century, tarot began to take on its more mystical and esoteric connotations. This transformation was significantly influenced by the work of Antoine Court de Gébelin, a French clergyman and Freemason.


In his multi-volume work "Le Monde Primitif," published in 1781, de Gébelin claimed that tarot cards were of ancient Egyptian origin and contained hidden knowledge and symbolism. Although his theories were not historically accurate, they sparked a new interest in the tarot as a tool for divination and spiritual insight.


In the 19th century, the French occultist Eliphas Levi further developed the mystical aspects of tarot. Levi associated the tarot with the Kabbalah, astrology, and other esoteric systems, solidifying its reputation as a powerful tool for divination and spiritual exploration.


The turn of the 20th century saw the creation of one of the most iconic tarot decks: the Rider-Waite deck. Designed by Arthur Edward Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith, this deck became widely popular due to its rich symbolism and accessible imagery. The Rider-Waite deck set the standard for many modern tarot decks and remains one of the most widely used and recognized decks today.


Cultural Significance & Influence

The cultural significance of tarot has grown immensely over the centuries. Initially a game for the European elite, tarot has evolved into a global phenomenon, embraced by people from diverse cultural and spiritual backgrounds.


In literature and art, tarot has served as a source of inspiration for countless works. Writers like Italo Calvino and T.S. Eliot have drawn upon tarot imagery in their writings, while visual artists have incorporated tarot symbols into their paintings and illustrations.


Tarot's influence extends beyond the arts into popular culture. Tarot cards frequently appear in films, television shows, and music videos, often symbolizing mystery, destiny, or the unknown. The archetypal images of the tarot resonate deeply with audiences, making them a powerful storytelling tool.


In contemporary spiritual practices, tarot is valued for its ability to provide insight and guidance. Many people turn to tarot for personal reflection, seeking to understand themselves and their circumstances more deeply. Tarot readings can offer clarity in times of uncertainty, helping individuals navigate life's challenges and decisions.


Moreover, tarot has become an integral part of the modern metaphysical and New Age movements. It is often used in conjunction with other spiritual practices such as meditation, astrology, and energy healing. Tarot readers and enthusiasts form vibrant communities, both online and offline, where they share their experiences, knowledge, and interpretations.

Tarot as a Divination Tool: The Role of Spirit Guides & Entities

Who Are Spirit Guides & Entities?

Spirit guides are considered to be non-physical beings that assist and guide individuals on their spiritual journey. These guides can take many forms, including ancestors, angels, ascended masters, and other benevolent entities.


Each guide is believed to have specific areas of expertise and offers unique insights based on their wisdom and experience. Entities, in the context of tarot, refer to any non-physical beings that can influence or assist in the reading.


While spirit guides are typically seen as benevolent and supportive, entities can also include other spiritual presences that may provide messages or energies during a reading.


The Role of Spirit Guides & Entities in Tarot


1.) Enhancing Intuition

Spirit guides are often thought to enhance the reader's intuition, making it easier to interpret the cards and receive messages. By connecting with these guides, readers can tap into a higher level of awareness and gain insights that might not be immediately apparent from the cards alone. This intuitive enhancement helps to ensure that the reading is both accurate and meaningful.


2.) Providing Clarity & Insight

During a tarot reading, spirit guides can offer clarity and insight into the querent's situation. They can help the reader to see beyond the surface level of the cards and understand the deeper meanings and implications. This additional layer of understanding can be invaluable in providing comprehensive and insightful readings.


3.) Offering Guidance & Support

Spirit guides are believed to offer guidance and support, not only to the reader but also to the querent. They can provide comfort and reassurance, especially in challenging or confusing situations. By channeling the wisdom of spirit guides, readers can deliver messages that are supportive, empowering, and encouraging.


4.) Facilitating Communication

Entities can act as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual realms, facilitating communication during a tarot reading. They can help to convey messages from loved ones who have passed, or from other spiritual beings who wish to communicate. This can add a deeply personal and emotional dimension to the reading, helping the querent to feel connected and understood.


5.) Protecting & Grounding

Many tarot practitioners call upon their spirit guides to create a safe and protected space for the reading. These guides can help to shield the reader and the querent from negative energies and ensure that the reading is conducted in a positive and constructive environment. Additionally, spirit guides can assist in grounding the reader, helping them to stay focused and centered throughout the session.

Connecting with Spirit Guides & Entities

Developing a relationship with spirit guides and entities takes time and practice.


Here are some steps to help you connect with these spiritual beings during your tarot readings:


1.) Meditation & Visualization: Spend time in meditation to quiet your mind and open yourself to the presence of your spirit guides. Visualization techniques can help you to imagine meeting your guides and receiving their messages.


2.) Setting Intentions: Before each tarot reading, set a clear intention to connect with your spirit guides and invite their guidance and support. This can help to create a focused and receptive mindset.


3.) Using Rituals & Tools: Incorporate rituals and tools such as crystals, incense, or candles to create a sacred space for your readings. These can help to enhance your connection to the spiritual realm and invite the presence of your guides.


4.) Journaling: Keep a journal to record your experiences and messages received from your spirit guides. This can help you to track your progress and deepen your relationship with them.


5.) Trust & Patience: Trust in the process and be patient with yourself. Building a connection with spirit guides is a journey, and it may take time to fully develop.


The role of spirit guides and entities in tarot is a profound and enriching aspect of the practice. These spiritual beings can enhance your intuition, provide clarity and insight, offer guidance and support, facilitate communication, and protect and ground your readings.


By cultivating a connection with your spirit guides, you can deepen your tarot practice and unlock new levels of understanding and wisdom. Embrace this spiritual dimension of tarot, and let your guides illuminate your path.


Alternative Perspectives

It's also worth noting that there are other interpretations of how tarot works, including:


  • Synchronicity & Universal Connection: Some believe that tarot taps into the interconnectedness of all things, reflecting patterns and synchronicities in the universe.
  • Psychological & Archetypal Projection: Others view tarot as a tool for accessing the subconscious mind and exploring universal archetypes that reside within us all.


Ultimately, the question of how tarot works is a personal one, and different individuals may hold different beliefs. Whether you believe in the involvement of spirit guides and entities or not, the power of tarot lies in its ability to offer insights, guidance, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.


Interpreting the Cards

Each tarot card holds multiple layers of meaning, including:


  • Traditional Meanings: Rooted in historical and cultural interpretations.
  • Intuitive Meanings: Based on personal experiences and connections.
  • Symbolic Meanings: Derived from the imagery and symbolism on the cards.

Tarot readers use a combination of these meanings, along with their intuition and knowledge of the cards, to provide a comprehensive and personalized reading.

Types of Tarot Readings

Tarot readings can be tailored to address various questions and concerns.


Some popular types of readings include:

  • General Readings: Explore overall life themes and current situations.
  • Love and Relationship Readings: Focus on romantic connections, compatibility, and potential challenges.
  • Career and Finance Readings: Provide guidance on professional decisions and financial matters.
  • Spiritual Readings: Delve into deeper questions about purpose, personal growth, and spiritual development.

Tarot as a Tool for Self-Reflection

Tarots are not solely a predictive tool but also a powerful catalyst for self-reflection. The cards can mirror our subconscious thoughts, emotions, and patterns, offering valuable insights into our inner world. By examining the cards' symbolism and exploring their meanings within the context of our lives, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our paths.

Is Tarot for Everyone?

Whether tarot is for everyone is a complex question with no simple answer. It depends on individual beliefs, openness to different perspectives, and personal preferences.


Who might find tarot appealing:

  • Those seeking self-reflection and personal growth: Tarot can serve as a mirror, revealing hidden aspects of ourselves and our situations. The symbolism of the cards can spark introspection and lead to a deeper understanding of our emotions, motivations, and potential paths.
  • Individuals are open to exploring different belief systems: Tarot isn't tied to any specific religion or dogma, making it accessible to people from diverse backgrounds. It resonates with those who appreciate symbolism, archetypes, and universal themes.
  • People looking for guidance and clarity: Tarot readings can offer insights and perspectives on various life situations, helping individuals make informed decisions and navigate challenges.
  • Creative and intuitive individuals: The artistic and intuitive nature of tarot appeals to those who enjoy exploring symbolism, interpreting imagery, and connecting with their intuition.


Who might not find tarot appealing:

  • Those with strict religious or skeptical beliefs: Some individuals may find tarot incompatible with their beliefs or view it as superstition. It's important to respect these perspectives and not impose tarot on anyone who isn't open to it.
  • Individuals seeking concrete answers and predictions: Tarot isn't a fortune-telling tool that predicts the future with absolute certainty. It offers guidance and potential outcomes, but the individual's free will and choices ultimately shape their path.
  • People are uncomfortable with ambiguity and open-ended interpretations: Tarot readings often involve symbolism and metaphors that require interpretation and reflection. Those who prefer clear-cut answers may find this aspect frustrating.


Ultimately, deciding whether tarot is for you is a personal choice. It's essential to approach it with an open mind, respect for its symbolism, and a willingness to engage with its messages. If you're curious, consider exploring tarot resources, attending a reading, or trying a simple spread to see how it resonates with you.


Remember, tarot is a tool, not a magic bullet. It can offer valuable insights, guidance, and support, but it's up to the individual to interpret and apply those messages to their own life. If you find that tarot aligns with your beliefs and values, it can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, personal growth, and navigating life's challenges.


Choosing a Tarot Deck

Selecting a tarot deck is a deeply personal and significant step in your tarot journey. With numerous decks available, each offering unique artwork, themes, and energy, it’s essential to find one that resonates with you.


Here’s a guide to help you choose the perfect tarot deck:

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Deck

1.) Artwork and Imagery
Personal Resonance: Choose a deck with artwork that you find appealing and inspiring. The images should evoke emotions and thoughts that resonate with you.
Symbolism: Ensure that the deck’s symbolism is clear and understandable to you. Some decks have intricate and detailed artwork that can be challenging to interpret.

2.) Theme & Style
Traditional vs. Modern: Decide whether you prefer a traditional deck, like the Rider-Waite, or a more modern interpretation. Traditional decks often stick to established symbols and meanings, while modern decks might have updated or innovative themes.
Cultural & Mythological Themes: Some decks are based on specific cultures, mythologies, or spiritual paths. Choose a theme that aligns with your interests and beliefs.

3.) Guidebook & Resources
Comprehensive Guidebook: A good guidebook can be invaluable, especially for beginners. Look for a deck that comes with a detailed guidebook explaining the meanings of the cards and offering guidance on how to use them.
Additional Resources: Check if there are additional resources available, such as online forums, courses, or communities, to support your learning.

4.) Intuition & Connection
First Impressions: Trust your first impressions when looking at a deck. If you feel an immediate connection or attraction to a particular deck, it’s a good sign that it might be the right one for you.
Energy & Feel: Handle the deck if possible. Some people believe that the physical feel of the cards can also indicate if the deck is right for them.

Popular Tarot Decks

1.) Rider-Waite Tarot
Overview: The Rider-Waite deck, created by Arthur Edward Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith, is one of the most iconic and widely used tarot decks. It's clear symbolism and detailed imagery make it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced readers alike.
Why It’s Popular: Its accessibility, comprehensive guidebook, and the abundance of resources available make it a staple in the tarot community.

2.) Thoth Tarot
Overview: Designed by Aleister Crowley and illustrated by Lady Frieda Harris, the Thoth Tarot is known for its intricate and esoteric symbolism. It incorporates elements of astrology, Kabbalah, and alchemy.
Why It’s Popular: This deck is favored by those interested in the deeper and more complex aspects of tarot and esoteric studies.

3.) Modern Witch Tarot
Overview: The Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle is a contemporary deck that updates the traditional Rider-Waite imagery with modern, diverse, and inclusive representations.
Why It’s Popular: Its relatable artwork and modern aesthetic make it appealing to a new generation of tarot readers.


Tarot Tips for Beginners

1.) Start with a Classic Deck
The Rider-Waite Tarot is highly recommended for beginners due to its straightforward imagery and the wealth of resources available to help you learn.


2.) Study the Guidebook
Take the time to read and understand the guidebook that comes with your deck. It will provide valuable insights into the meanings and interpretations of the cards.


3.) Practice Regularly
Regular practice is key to becoming proficient in tarot reading. Start with simple spreads, like the one-card draw or the three-card spread, and gradually work your way to more complex layouts.


4.) Keep a Tarot Journal
Document your readings, interpretations, and insights in a journal. This practice helps track your progress and deepens your understanding of the cards.


5.) Join Tarot Communities
Engage with online or local tarot communities. Sharing experiences, asking questions, and learning from others can enhance your tarot journey.


6.) Trust Your Intuition
While it’s important to learn traditional meanings, don’t be afraid to trust your intuition. Personal insights and intuitive interpretations are a vital part of tarot reading.


Choosing a tarot deck is an exciting and personal journey. By considering the artwork, theme, resources, and your own intuition, you can find a deck that truly resonates with you and supports your tarot practice.


Whether you choose a classic deck like the Rider-Waite or a modern interpretation like the Modern Witch Tarot, the right deck will become a trusted companion on your path to self-discovery and spiritual insight.



Tarot is a fascinating and multi-faceted tool that offers a unique approach to gaining insights and guidance. Whether you seek answers to specific questions, want to explore your personal journey, or simply enjoy the rich symbolism of the cards, tarot can provide a meaningful and enriching experience.


Remember, tarot is not about fortune-telling or predicting the future with absolute certainty. Instead, it's a tool for self-discovery, empowerment, and personal growth. By engaging with the cards and their messages, you can unlock a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.


If you're looking to delve into the fascinating world of tarots, there are numerous resources available to guide you on your journey.


Here are some highly recommended books and websites that can help you learn and master the art of tarot reading:


  • "Learning the Tarot: A Tarot Book for Beginners" by Joan Bunning: This comprehensive guide is a classic for beginners, covering everything from card meanings to spreads and techniques. It provides a solid foundation for anyone starting their tarot journey.

  • "The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings" by Brigit Esselmont: This in-depth reference book offers detailed explanations of each card's symbolism and interpretations, making it a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced readers.

  • "Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom" by Rachel Pollack: This insightful book delves into the psychological and spiritual aspects of tarot, offering a unique perspective on the cards and their meanings.

  • "Holistic Tarot" by Benebell Wen: This comprehensive guide explores the history, symbolism, and practical applications of tarot, providing a well-rounded understanding of this ancient divination tool.

  • "The Easiest Way to Learn the Tarot—Ever!!" by Dusty White: This beginner-friendly book offers a simple and engaging approach to learning tarot, with exercises and activities to help you master the cards.


  • Biddy Tarot: This popular website offers a wealth of resources for tarot enthusiasts, including card meanings, spreads, tutorials, and articles on various aspects of tarot reading.

  • LearnTarot.com: This comprehensive website provides a free tarot course, along with card meanings, spreads, and other resources for learning and practicing tarot.

  • Little Red Tarot: This engaging website offers a modern and accessible approach to tarot, with articles, videos, and courses for beginners and experienced readers alike.

  • The Tarot Lady: This informative website features articles, podcasts, and courses on tarot, covering a wide range of topics from card meanings to reading techniques.

  • An Eclectic Tarot: This extensive website offers a vast collection of tarot resources, including card meanings, deck reviews, forums, and articles on various aspects of tarot.



Editor's Note: These are just a few of the many books and websites available to help you learn and explore the world of tarot. By utilizing these resources and practicing regularly, you can develop your skills and gain a deeper understanding of this ancient divination tool. Remember, the most important thing is to find resources that resonate with you and your learning style, so explore different options and discover the ones that best suit your needs.