Protection Spell

Protection Spell 



This Protection Spell is designed to shield everything from the caster, their loved ones, or even their belongings from harm. This harm could be physical, emotional, or spiritual in nature. Protection spells may aim to ward off negative energy, ill intentions, or specific threats. The specific form and purpose of this protection spells can vary greatly depending on the tradition and the individual practitioner's needs. Just remember that it's all about intent and you also need to be specific in who or what you want to be protected when saying your chant/prayer. 



  • Sea salt or Himalayan salt
  • Black candle
  • Protective herbs (e.g., rosemary, sage, or lavender)



1.) Begin by casting a circle and invoking the elements for protection.

2.) Light the black candle, visualizing its flame as a beacon of protection.

3.) Take a handful of salt and sprinkle it around the perimeter of your sacred space, forming a protective barrier. 

4.) As you sprinkle the salt, chant a protective incantation, such as:

"Salt of Earth, protect (who or what you want to protect, i.e. yourself, your home, etc.),
Ward off harm, keep evil at bay.
By the power of salt, I seal this place,
Shielded and guarded, night and day."

5.) Once the circle is complete, extinguish the candle and thank the elements for their protection.



Witch Tip:

The best day and time to perform a protection spell can vary based on different traditions and personal preferences, but ultimately, the most important aspect of your craft is your intention and focus. However, we are still going to include the traditional witchcraft that most Witches have followed for centuries, if not thousands of years.


  • Saturday: Ruled by Saturn, a planet associated with protection, banishing negativity, and boundaries. Ideal for protective magic.


  • During the Waning Moon: This phase is perfect for banishing and protecting spells as it symbolizes the release of unwanted energies.
  • At Dusk or Midnight: These times are often seen as powerful moments for magic, where the veil between worlds is thin and energies are potent.

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