Prosperity Spell

Prosperity Spell



This Prosperity Spell is intended to attract abundance and wealth into one's life. This abundance can manifest in various forms, such as financial gain, career success, improved business, or general good fortune. Remember that it is all about intent and to be specific on what area in your life you want to prosper in when chanting/praying.



  • Green candle
  • Money-drawing herbs (e.g., cinnamon, basil, or bay leaves)
  • Citrine or green aventurine crystal



1.) Set up your sacred space and gather your ingredients.

2.) Light the green candle, focusing on your intention for prosperity and abundance.

3.) Arrange the money-drawing herbs around the candle, creating a circle of abundance.

4.) Hold the citrine or green aventurine crystal in your hand and visualize your goals and desires manifesting.


Chant a prosperity affirmation, such as:

"With candle bright and herbs so green,
Prosperity and abundance are now seen.
Wealth and success come my way,
By the power of magic that I attract today."

5.) Allow the candle to burn down completely, releasing your intention into the universe.



There are certain times and dates that are considered optimal for performing a prosperity spell:

Thursday: Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance, prosperity, and growth. This makes it an excellent day for spells related to wealth and success.

During the Waxing Moon: This phase, from the New Moon to the Full Moon, is ideal for spells aimed at growth, attraction, and increasing prosperity.
At Dawn or Noon: These times are associated with new beginnings and peak energy, perfect for manifesting abundance.

Specific Dates:
New Moon: Start new ventures and set intentions for prosperity.
Full Moon: Amplify and realize your intentions, harnessing the moon's full energy.

Aligning your prosperity spell with these times can enhance its effectiveness. Remember, your personal energy and intention are also key components in making your spell successful.

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