Good Luck Spell


This is a simple good luck spell to give you good luck in general. Always be sure to say the chant with great faith, and to always have belief in your practice.



  • Bay leave
  • Green candle
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Small green pouch or cloth



1.) Set up your sacred space and gather your ingredients.


2.) Light the green candle, focusing on your intention to attract good luck.


3.) Write your wish or intention on a bay leaf.


4.) Place the bay leaf, along with the cinnamon stick, inside the green pouch or cloth.


5.) Hold the pouch in your hands and visualize good fortune coming your way.


6.) Chant a luck affirmation, such as:

"Bay leaf and cinnamon, bring luck to me,
Fortune and blessings, so mote it be.
With this pouch, my luck shall turn,
By the power of magic, blessings I earn."


7.) Carry the pouch with you or place it in a prominent location to attract good luck.

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