Road Opener Ritual Bath

Road Opener Ritual Bath



The Road Opener Ritual Bath is a transformative ritual designed to clear away obstacles and open new pathways to opportunities and success. Ideal for anyone feeling stuck or facing challenges in areas like career, relationships, or personal growth, this spell harnesses the cleansing power of magickal herbs and salts to purify your energetic field and invite positive changes. Embrace this ritual to dissolve blockages and welcome new possibilities into your life.


Purpose: To cleanse yourself of obstacles and invite new opportunities.




  • 1 cup Epsom salt
  • 1/2 cup sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon dried basil
  • 1 tablespoon dried rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon dried mint
  • 7 drops Road Opener oil
  • A green or yellow candle
  • A small quartz crystal (cleansed and charged)



1.) Preparation: Cleanse your bathroom space energetically using sage or another cleansing method.

2.) Mixing The Bath Ingredients: Combine the Epsom salt, sea salt, dried basil, rosemary, and mint in a bowl. Add the Road Opener oil and mix well.

3.) Setting Up The Bath: Draw a warm bath and add the salt mixture to the water. Stir the water clockwise to infuse it with your intention of opening roads and removing obstacles.

4.) Lighting the Candle: Place the green or yellow candle near the bath and light it. As the flame flickers, focus on your intention.

5.) Charging The Crystal: Hold the quartz crystal in your hands and visualize it absorbing and amplifying your intention to open roads and invite opportunities.

6.) Entering The Bath: Step into the bath and submerge yourself in the water. Close your eyes and meditate on the obstacles being washed away and new paths opening up for you.

7.) Affirmation: As you soak, repeat this affirmation:
"By water's flow and salt's might,
I clear my path, my future bright.
New doors open, opportunities come,
My journey forward has now begun."


Completion: After at least 20 minutes, drain the bath and visualize the obstacles flowing away with the water. Keep the quartz crystal with you as a reminder of the open paths and opportunities ahead.

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