Mental Clarity & Focus Spell Jar



  • Small glass jar with a lid or cork
  • Clear quartz crystal (clarity and focus)
  • Peppermint (refreshing and stimulating)
  • Lemon zest (uplifting and energizing)
  • Eucalyptus (mental clarity and invigoration)
  • Sunflower petals (joy and optimism)
  • Blue candle (mental clarity and focus)



1.) Cleanse your space where you'll be crafting the spell, as well as all of your materials. Light the blue candle and place it nearby.


2.) Hold the clear quartz crystal in your hand and strongly set your intention for mental clarity and focus.


3.) While focusing, place it at the bottom of the jar, as you say:
"Quartz of clear, quartz of light, sharpen my mind, make it bright."


4.) Add the peppermint, while saying:
"Peppermint, fresh and clean, stimulate my thoughts, keep them keen."

5.) Add the lemon zest, while saying:
"Lemon zest, bright and clear, uplift my mind, bring good cheer."

6.) Add the eucalyptus, while saying:
"Eucalyptus, crisp and strong, help me focus all day long."

7.) Add the sunflower petals, while saying:
"Sunflower bright, petals of gold, fill me with joy, make me bold."

8.) Seal the jar with the lid or cork, and hold it within both hands tightly. Visualize a bright, clear blue light filling the jar and radiating outwards, filling you with mental clarity and focus.


9.) Now say with great intent:
"Jar of focus, jar of might, fill me with your mental light. By this light, so it shall be, clarity now flows into me."

10.) Let the blue candle burn down safely, or extinguish it if needed. Keep the jar in a place where you do your mental work, like your study area or office.

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