Love Spell

Love Spell 



This love spell is intended to attract love, deepen existing bonds, or enhance romantic feelings between two people. Remember that you need to be specific with this spell, and say you love your first and last name when you say the chant/prayer.



  • Red rose petals
  • Pink or red candle
  • Rose quartz crystal
  • Love-drawing oil or an essential oil of your choice (rose oil is the best for love, but you can use any oil you'd like)



1.) Create a sacred space and gather your ingredients.

2.) Light the pink or red candle, infusing it with love and passion.

3.) Place the rose quartz crystal in the center of your space, surrounded by a circle of red rose petals.

4.) Anoint the candle with love-drawing oil or essential oil, focusing on your intention to attract love or a specific person into your life.

5.) Hold the rose quartz crystal in your hand and visualize yourself surrounded by love and romance.

6.) Repeat a love affirmation chant, such as:

"By the power of love, I draw near,
Hearts entwined; passion sincere.
With rose petals bright and candle's flame,
True love with, _(Person's Name Here) __ comes to me, by the power of my name."

7.) Repeat this chant 3 times.

8.) Allow the candle to burn down completely, sending your intentions out into the universe.

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