Banishing Spell

Banishing Spell



This Banishing Spell is intended to remove unwanted energies, entities, or influences. It can be performed to cleanse a space, an object, or even a person. Banishing's are often used before other magical workings to ensure a clean and focused environment. Also, remember to have great faith when practicing any spell, especially this one, as there is nothing more powerful than intent and faith. Lastly, be specific about what it is you want to banish, and what you are banishing it from (i.e. yourself, your home, etc.).



  • Black salt
  • Black candle
  • Banishing herbs (e.g., garlic, cayenne pepper, or black pepper)



1.) Begin by casting a protective circle and invoking the elements.

2.) Light the black candle, focusing on your intention to banish negativity and unwanted energies.

3.) Sprinkle black salt around the perimeter of your space, forming a barrier against negativity.

4.) Scatter banishing herbs around the candle, visualizing them repelling negative influences.

5.) Chant a banishing incantation, such as:

"By salt and flame, I banish thee,
Negativity, begone from (yourself, your home, etc. here).
Darkness flees, light remains,
Banished forever, by my domain."

6.) Allow the candle to burn down completely, sealing your space against negativity.

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