Healing Sachet Spell

Healing Spell With Herbal Sachet



This healing spell is intended to heal anything from an illness to a broken heart. Just be specific in what it is that you want to heal, and always say the spells chant/prayer with great faith, as magic is all about intention and faith. 



  • Healing herbs (e.g., chamomile, eucalyptus, or lavender)
  • White sachet bag or cloth
  • Clear quartz crystal


1.) Set up your sacred space and gather your ingredients.

2.) Place the healing herbs inside the sachet bag or cloth, infusing them with healing energy.

3.) Hold the clear quartz crystal in your hand and focus on your intention for healing and well-being.

4.) Place the crystal inside the sachet bag, alongside the healing herbs.

5.) Tie the sachet bag closed, sealing the herbs and crystal inside.

6.) Hold the sachet bag in your hands and visualize healing energy radiating from it.

7.) Repeat a healing affirmation, such as:

"By herbs and crystal, I heal (yourself, a loved one, etc. here) with care,
Health and wellness, now I declare.
Healing energy, flow through (yourself, a loved one, etc.),
By the power of magic, so mote it be."

8.) Carry the sachet bag with you or place it in a prominent location to attract healing energy into your life.

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