Cleansing Spell

Cleansing Spell 



You can use this Cleansing Spell to cleanse anything, such as your room, your home, your altar, yourself and more! As I always say, be sure to say your chant/prayer with great faith and be specific as far as what you intend to cleanse. 



  • Dried sage bundle or loose sage leaves
  • Sea salt
  • White candle
  • Small bowl of water



1.) Begin by casting a circle and invoking the elements.

2.) Light the white candle to represent purity and cleansing.

3.) Light the sage bundle or loose sage leaves, allowing the smoke to cleanse the space.

4.) Walk around your space, wafting the sage smoke into every corner, while chanting:

"By sage and flame, I cleanse ( or person),
Purify and banish with your grace.
Negative energies, you must flee,
By the power of sage, so mote it be."

5.) Sprinkle sea salt in the four corners of the room for added protection and purification.

6.) Dip your fingers into the bowl of water and sprinkle it lightly around the space to seal the cleansing.

7.) Extinguish the candle and thank the elements for their assistance.

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