Open Your Third-Eye Spell

Open Your Third-Eye Spell



As long as this spell is said and done with great faith and intent, then your third eye should either open, or begin to open, and either result will show your power as a witch! Sometimes it will take a couple times of practicing this spell before your third eye is fully open, but remember, that progress is just as good, if not better, than perfect!



  • Purple candle (for intuition and psychic power)
  • Amethyst or lapis lazuli crystal
  • Mugwort or lavender herbs
  • Small bowl of spring water
  • Incense (such as frankincense or sandalwood)



1.) Prepare Your Space:

  • Choose a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be disturbed.
  • Set up your sacred space with the ingredients and any other items that help you feel spiritually connected.
  • Light the incense to purify the space.

2.) Cast a Circle:

  • Cast a protective circle by visualizing a ring of white light surrounding you and your space. Call upon the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) and any deities or guides you work with.

3.) Light the Candle:

  • Light the purple candle, focusing on your intention to open and activate your third eye. Visualize a vibrant purple light surrounding the candle flame.

4.) Herbs & Water:

  • Place the herbs in a small bowl of spring water. Stir gently and let the herbs infuse the water with their energy.

5.) Meditation With Crystal:

  • Sit comfortably and hold the amethyst or lapis lazuli crystal in your hand or place it on your forehead over the third eye area (between your eyebrows).
  • Close your eyes and take deep, calming breaths. Visualize a purple light at the center of your forehead, growing brighter and more intense with each breath.

6.) Chant & Visualize:

Chant an affirmation or incantation to enhance your focus and intention. For example:

"Third eye open, see within,
Awaken sight, let visions begin.
Inner wisdom, come to me,
By the power of three times three."

  • As you chant, continue to visualize the purple light expanding and opening your third eye. Feel the energy of the crystal amplifying your intention.

7.) Anoint Your Third Eye:

  • Dip your fingers into the herb-infused water and gently anoint your third eye area, drawing a small circle or symbol that represents intuition and inner sight.

8.) Close The Spell:

  • Spend a few moments in quiet meditation, allowing any images, thoughts, or feelings to come to you.
  • When you feel ready, extinguish the candle and incense. Thank the elements, deities, or guides for their assistance and close the protective circle.

9.) Integration:

  • Carry the crystal with you or place it under your pillow to continue enhancing your intuition.
  • Keep a journal to record any insights, dreams, or intuitive messages that come to you in the days following the spell.



Editor's Note: This third eye opening spell can be performed regularly to deepen your psychic abilities and enhance your spiritual awareness. Approach this practice with patience, respect, and an open heart, and be attentive to the subtle signs and messages that come your way.

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