Enhance Your Self-Confidence Spell

Enhance Your Self-Confidence Spell 



This is a general confidence spell to help improve you with your self-esteem and/or self-image. Be sure to say the chant/prayer below to ensure that the spell works as well as it can, for the magic is not in the ingredients or tools. The magic is in you!



  • Sunflower seeds
  • Yellow candle
  • Tiger's eye crystal
  • Piece of paper and pen



1.) Create a sacred space and gather your ingredients.

2.) Light the yellow candle, focusing on your intention to boost confidence and self-esteem.

3.) Write down your affirmation of confidence on a piece of paper, such as:
"I am confident, strong, and capable."

4.) You Place the sunflower seeds and tiger's eye crystal on top of the paper.

5.) Hold your hands over the items and visualize yourself radiating confidence and self-assurance.

6.) Chant a confidence incantation, such as:

"Sunflower seeds and crystal bright,
Fill me with confidence, strength, and light.
I am bold, I am strong,
By the power of magic, I belong."

7.) Keep the tiger's eye crystal with you and eat the sunflower seeds over the next few days, internalizing the energy of confidence.

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