Good Health Spell

Good Health Spell



In witchcraft, health encompasses not only physical well-being, but also mental, emotional, and spiritual balance. It involves aligning oneself with natural cycles, harnessing energy, and fostering harmony within the self and the environment. So, you always want to be in your best health and what better way than to do a healthy spell!

However, you can also do this Health Spell on someone else, like a loved one, a friend, or even your pet! Be sure to say the chant/prayer below with extremely great faith and be sure to speak who you exactly wish this spell for, so that the Universe knows who you are sending good health to!



  • Healing herbs (e.g., mint, eucalyptus, or chamomile)
  • White or green candle
  • Small cloth or sachet bag
  • Clear quartz crystal



1.) Create a sacred space and gather your ingredients.

2.) Light the white or green candle, focusing on your intention for health and well-being.

3.) Place the healing herbs inside the cloth or sachet bag, infusing them with your healing intention.

4.) Add the clear quartz crystal to the sachet bag for amplified healing energy.

5.) Tie the sachet bag closed and hold it in your hands, visualizing vibrant health and strength.

6.) Chant a healing affirmation, such as:

"Herbs of healing, crystal's light,
Bring (yourself, a loved one, etc.) health, both day and night.
Body strong and free from pain,
By the power of magic, health I gain."

7.) Carry the sachet bag with you or place it under your pillow to attract healing energy.


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