Simple Justice Spell

Simple Justice Spell



  • White candle (truth and clarity)
  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen
  • A small dish or plate


1. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
2. Light the white candle and say:
"Candle bright, truth and light, bring forth justice, fairness and right."
3. On the piece of paper, write a short, clear statement of the injustice you want to address or the fairness you seek. For example, "May the truth be revealed in the situation with [describe the situation briefly]."
4. Fold the paper three times, focusing on your intention for justice.
5. Place the folded paper under the candle on the dish or plate.
6. Close your eyes and visualize the situation being resolved with fairness and balance. Imagine a bright, white light surrounding the situation, bringing clarity and justice.
7. When you’re ready, say:
"By the power of this flame, justice I seek, truth reclaim. Balance be restored, fair and true, as I will, so mote it be too."
8. Let the candle burn down completely in a safe space, or if you need to extinguish it, do so gently and re-light it each day until it’s fully burned down.
9. Once the candle has burned down, dispose of the paper by burying it or placing it in running water, symbolizing the release of your intention into the universe.


Editor's Note: This simple spell focuses your intent and uses minimal materials, making it perfect for beginners. If you need any adjustments or further guidance, feel free to ask. Blessed be! 

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